1. Dove SPF15 Face Lotion-a tight face in the morning is never good
2. Yogi Tea Tension Tamer-drinking some right now
3. Glide Dental Floss-no other brand will do
4. Pen & Paper-so I can write lying down, anywhere, with a personal touch
5. Yoga Mat-every swan, cobra, dog, cat, cow, fish, camel, happy baby and child's pose I can do
I am a girl of daily simple pleasures. It took me a while to realize I don't need anything else but love from my family and friends. Buddhism classes were a large influence. Losing things I thought I couldn't live without was a big part as well. But I am alive. I will always have wants and desires. They make me get out of bed in the morning. They drive my interests. I try not to let temptation distract me, nor can I allow negative thoughts to invade my consciousness. There is always another way to look at it. In today's crossword puzzle, a clever clue was "Who to trust in spy stories"...The answer? No one. Always trust your instincts and you'll be just fine.
So how can we live without spending too much cash? A few of my tips can help the planet and/or help you save $.
- Take your own bags to Giant-you'll save 5 cents for the bags you bring. If you shop at Trader Joe's and BYOBag you can enter to win free groceries! (if you like wine, they also have a very inexpensive and tasteful collection)
- Always make a list before you shop, so you know exactly what you need and don't buy on impulse. This will also help you avoid going to the store more than once a week.
- Plan your route for errands so you can save gas and avoid backtracking or making multiple trips. Living in the 'burbs can add up! (Try taking public transportation or bike to work once a week/month/year)
- Turn off electricity and water when not in use. When boiling water, just take as much as you need. Take showers instead of baths. Turn the temperature down when you go to bed. ..Reduce is the first of the R's.
- Reuse is the second-bring your own mug to the coffee shop (or better yet brew your own for way cheaper) and they'll most likely discount or charge you for a small-& you're not wasting!
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