Life is going to pass you by if you rush through it. No matter your age, you probably feel younger, even if you have an old soul. It's all the counting that bothers you. It's those aches and pains that are telling us to "slow down, take it easy," which makes you feel like your body has betrayed you. But have you been treating it with the love and respect it deserves? Just like a woman, if you do, it might stop nagging you.
In terms of diet, everybody has a say. There is no right way to eat for everyone. The only tip I can give you is to not consume too much of one thing. Whatever you choose to indulge-beer, sweets, junk food, meat, etc. make it a treat for yourself. With this attitude, you may start to see certain eating habits as controllable rather than a reflex.
When you exercise, remember that pushing your body to its limits is rewarding, but it can also penalize you. It's just as important to pay attention to your breath during rest as it is during a workout. Try stretching those muscles you forgot about, so they don't go into shock when you're trying to lift an object and something goes wrong. (Here's a common injury that I treat in my clinic) That's what I love about yoga. After a new routine, I'll feel soreness the following day because I'm elongating muscles that are severely shortened by hunching over a desk and detoxifying my entire body in the process using breathing exercises. When my body begins to adapt to the flow, I switch it up. In this way, I'm not focusing on one section of the physical body, but I can pay attention to the flexibility of my breath and mind during the challenging postures of the entire body, from Bubbling Spring to Hundred Meetings, which connect man to earth and heaven. Starting or ending the day this way is a gift to my life and practice. It reminds me that in times of difficulties I need only will to move on, that everything passes and this moment is precious.
My patients ask me what type of yoga they should practice. I say do one that you enjoy. I'm not a yogi, but I think a lot of people could benefit their lives by becoming centered. If I am without peace, then it must be within.